Welcome to Rose's Melting Potters! Most people know Rose Levy Beranbaum as the award-winning author of outstanding baked creations; few know that she is also an excellent cook and author of two books, Rose's Melting Pot and Rose's Celebrations. These two books contain many of her beloved family recipes. Rose has graciously given her blessing for us to cook together out of Rose's Melting Pot.
The host for this cook along is none other than Elle from Pancake-Croissants. We will cook a pre-chosen recipe once a month. To participate all that is required is to own or have access to the book, Rose's Melting Pot, and a blog where you will post your creation with photos. If you are interested, please send in a request to rosesmeltingpotters@gmail.com for more details.
We are excited to start this cooking journey and the first three individuals to sign up will receive a free book! While Rose's Melting Pot is out of print, there are many copies available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other book sites.
Let's get cooking!